সন্দেহভাজন নহে এমন
(1) Not suspected or believed likely
(1) The fact, revealed by a post-mortem, that his heart was much diseased - an ailment quite unsuspected during his life - would make it possible that death might in his case ensue from injuries which would not be fatal to a healthy man.
(2) What he suggested in 1859 was that several previously unsuspected small planets existed, orbiting closer to the Sun than Mercury.
(3) One might say that the presence of an unsuspected dimension leads to consideration of extra information that one had previously ignored.
(4) On a grimmer note, a previously unsuspected enemy - the Soviet Union, now bent on spreading communism worldwide - replaced the foes that had just been vanquished on the battlefield.
(5) It is this key combination of actors that anoints artists, invents audiences, projects unsuspected sources of art from the margins to the centre.
(6) The current data argue strongly that it is also not caused by irregularities incorporated into the tubulin lattice or by the presence of unsuspected subpopulations of microtubules.
(7) For the gentleman in question, this passion seems to be his u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510one thing,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb yet it too garnered unsuspected consequences; his wife had an affair out of sheer boredom.
(8) Perhaps most amusingly, my study also showed that a previously unsuspected variable - u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510task-orientationu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb - was a good predictor of political party preference.
(9) The hepatic excretory defect is mild, stable, and unsuspected until the system is stressed by the presentation of a large load of bilirubin from a bout of intravascular hemolysis or an extensive interstitial hemorrhage.
(10) It is fascinating in a direct and amusing way, has many unsuspected facets and possibilities, it is simple and basic, suits him quite well, and attests to his good taste.
(11) Accordingly, the clinician should be alerted to the possibility of an unsuspected AAT abnormality in liver disease patients manifesting u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510unexplainedu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb PAS-D inclusions.
(12) It was a perfect day for travelers who were in need of supplies, myself included; but also, it was a perfect day for thieves and bandits to snatch goods and money from unsuspected victims.
(13) A city waitress hit the headlines this week after serving an unsuspected customer - the Lord of Darkness Himself.
(14) She worked at a bank and they paid quite well, and everything was going wonderfully until two unsuspected people pulled a gun while she was at the counter.
(15) Quite frankly, there might one day be an unsuspected benefit from union's decision to end its gentlemen's agreement limiting payments.
(16) They are able to infiltrate friends and family completely unsuspected , and carefully pull off this ridiculous covert operation, until things start to get hairy.
(17) A few days before my baby was due, ultrasonography showed a previously unsuspected breech presentation, and attempts to turn the baby were unsuccessful.
(18) A moment of illumination can also reveal unsuspected incongruities as in the conclusion of u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Ode to Plurality.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(19) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Even the unsuspected family pet let loose in the countryside can cause great distress to sheep, including pregnant ewes and lambs,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(20) During one of those days, there was an unsuspected visitor.
not anticipated