(1) Not provided.
(1) Mr Hulme, relieving officer, stated that prisoner had had furnished apartments in Kay Street, but had run on a bill of over Ôö¼├║2 and then left his wife and family unprovided for.
(2) However these are deferred and arise only on sale of the investment portfolio which is mainly being held for the long term and in Daejan's case, the maximum unprovided , for tax liability represents only about 4 per cent of its gross assets.
(3) Failure to insure a vehicle could mean that someone badly injured in an accident, or the family of someone killed, might go unprovided for.
(4) Mrs. Bronson chose to go with him rather than remain here, unprovided for, and facing the permanent or indefinite separation from her husband.
(5) The company submitted a statement to the committee saying that the budget hotel accommodation market was unprovided for in South Lakeland and the new hotel would ÔÇÿbolster the tourism infrastructure in the district.ÔÇÖ
(6) They preferred an older ethic of philanthropic benevolence, and while some Australians undoubtedly benefited from such charity, it left others unprovided for.