(1) Unfit for print because morally or legally objectionable or offensive to good taste
(1) I will also refrain from editing your submissions except in the case of unprintable language or overly confusing punctuation, so keep that in mind if you don't wish to look like a maleducated buffoon.
(2) Another, bounding towards the opposition, branded the Labour MP who had just insulted him with an unprintable barb a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510grub and a disgraceu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(3) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I don't want to use any unprintable words,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb the head of assessment and evaluation at the Dyslexia Institute's education centre at York University says carefully.
(4) He offered a few unprintable suggestions for politicians when I spoke to him the other day.
(5) Watching a not-so-nimble journalist climb a narrow 8m high ladder is, it seems from the reaction of the pros, a fantastic spectator sport but my thoughts are unprintable as I try desperately to cling on to my life - and my dinner.
(6) My subsequent opinions are unprintable , so just use your imagination.
(7) And as for what preening churchmen think we ought to drive, well, my sentiments are unprintable .
(8) Shouted the rail worker, before adding an unprintable comment about George W Bush and walking off.
(9) The result left Eddie Pollock, the Stirling coach, in a very unhappy frame of mind - so much so that his immediate post-match response was unprintable .
(10) A soft-spoken polished professional, he appeared to be restraining a torrent of unprintable words as he processed his own personal New Orleans nightmare.
(11) This unprintable response of his did nothing at all to help him identify his emotions and therefore his chances of seeing clearly and moving forward were minimal.
(12) Asked for a comment on his team, he snapped: u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It's probably unprintable .u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(13) So if my baby's first words are unprintable in a family magazine, blame the design team at Evenflo.
(14) The survey may garner the odd unprintable reply - should islanders choose to even bother filling it out.
(15) In my short prayers I admit I often use unprintable four letter words, and rarely address God as others do in church.
(16) In fact I stalked over to my wife and used some loud and unprintable words to her, as she writes poems which can be almost as obscure as this one and could therefore be expected to see straight into the heart of Anne Carson's project.
(17) HELEN FIELDING'S Bridget Jones burst on our subconscious with a wonderful candour and contributed singleton apart from other unprintable words to our lexicon.
(18) He loves chattering away but some of his words are unprintable !
(19) I clenched my fists helplessly and struggled back to a sitting position, thinking unprintable thoughts.
(20) On her shirt was an unprintable slogan with the swear word strategically replaced with symbols.