TV series example of the word

Vikings Season 1, Episode 9
and unearth me to sorrows?

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 7
Why did she unearth the letter Cersei made you write?
আবিষ্কার করা, মৃত্তিকা খুঁড়িয়া তোলা
(1) Bring to light,lay bare through digging,dig up
(2) Bring to light
(3) Lay bare through digging
(4) Dig up
(1) They have done all they can to unearth the truth
(2) If this investigation should unearth anything untoward, payments could be stopped.
(3) A team of volunteers is hoping to unearth the remains of classrooms of a ground-breaking but forgotten Bradford school.
(4) For a while, the progression of their relationship echoes the discoveries they unearth about Ash and Christabel.
(5) A village historical society is breaking new ground - by using moles to unearth treasures from the past.
(6) Following last year's trench excavation at the site by Channel Four's Time Team, experts, students and local volunteers have returned to the grounds to unearth the remains of Sion Abbey.
(7) However, investigators were unable to unearth conclusive documentary evidence to support the allegations.
(8) David Ades writes some excellent notes and the project deserves continued encouragement for its capacity to unearth some long lost recorded treasures from the dusty archives.
(9) During the process he also unearths human bones.
(10) It was the military's subsequent investigations that unearthed almost all of the disturbing details and photographs used by critics to castigate this department.
(11) Deborah says something cruel to Carla to deny the truth that Carla unearthed .
(12) There is a significant level of crime which needs to be unearthed , investigated and prosecuted.
(13) When Koff unearths the body of a child who has a pocket full of marbles, she muses over the tragedy of the situation.
(14) A number of Bronze Age cremation pits were discovered along the route and pieces of ancient pottery were unearthed .
(15) She searched through her small shopping bags, and unearthed something very small.
(16) Although drafts have been produced in evidence no signed document has been unearthed despite a search of all the residents' files.
(17) A high school student unearthed the ancient remains of the new species three years ago in the Patagonia region of Argentina.
(18) The workmen appear to have unearthed a section of root from a plant which grew in the prehistoric equivalent of the mangrove swamps found today around the Amazon or Northern Australia.
(19) The site is known for unearthing legal records that shed new light, often embarrassing light, on actors, politicians, even reality show contestants.
(20) Gradually, the Chicago news media unearthed and exposed the truth.
dig up
Vikings Season 1, Episode 9
and unearth me to sorrows?
Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 7
Why did she unearth the letter Cersei made you write?