(1) Not discovered,not yet discovered,unfound
(2) Not discovered
(3) Not yet discovered
(4) Unfound
(1) Finding an undiscovered corner of Europe not overrun with tourist hordes is becoming increasingly difficult.
(2) This figure does not account for unreported or undiscovered incidents.
(3) Her body went undiscovered for two days until relatives alerted police to her disappearance.
(4) Because they were so well hidden in the roof of the cave, they remained undiscovered for thousands of years.
(5) Its mixture of red brick and stone and its high arched windows, make this a gem, albeit one undiscovered by many tourists and residents.
(6) The tragedy is that, like many of Egypt's undiscovered secrets, some of these items will never see the light of day.
(7) I consider Herefordshire, the last great undiscovered area of England.
(8) The teenager's talent might have gone undiscovered , but for a house move.
(9) They lay undiscovered for 50 years until his son, Neil, started to sort through them last year.
(10) The work is in very good condition, not having been exposed to the light, so its many years lying undiscovered may have helped to preserve it.
(11) Here's a related article about another possible undiscovered ape - this one in the Congo.
(12) The wallet lay undiscovered in Joan's Bury home for years until her family lovingly cleared out her belongings after her death.
(13) Their bodies may have lain undiscovered for up to a week.
(14) It's an undiscovered gem waiting to be explored, a place where you can relax.
(15) He was hoping for spectacular revelations, including what he believed was an undiscovered continent hidden under the ice.
(16) It was this undiscovered quality that attracted him to the script, he says.
(17) One wonders what treasures may still remain buried and undiscovered , such is the awesome scale of the place.
(18) But our journey through this undiscovered region is far from over.
(19) A housing association has launched an investigation after the death of a pensioner who lay in his home undiscovered for two days.
(20) Within its pages lie some truly undiscovered gems and some tantalising clues towards finding your own piece of angling paradise.