অসম্ভ্রান্ত, মর্যাদাহানিকর, অসম্মানকর, অসম্মানপূর্ণ, অসম্মানজনক
(1) Lacking dignity
(1) Adams, the 33-year-old Jamaican batsman, deserved better than this undignified end to his reign.
(2) Against the background of all this shameless capitalism, a rather undignified saga rumbles on in the local press.
(3) Barstaff exchange looks as she giggles excitedly wrapping her legs over him as he does little to discourage this undignified behaviour.
(4) On seeing me, she wailed mournfully with a mixture of imploration to get her down and shame at her undignified predicament.
(5) Temperatures rose as they failed to agree, and the pair ended up in an undignified scuffle.
(6) He hit the bottle and his departure from a scene he'd done so much to entertain, outrage and modernise was messy, undignified and sad.
(7) For a moment, it looked like the undignified stunt would turn nasty.
(8) Sometimes it feels a little undignified , but I never seem to get tired of getting drunk.
(9) Male celebrities all over the globe began to collide in a frankly undignified heap as they tried to attract her attention.
(10) The kill is no better, as a fox will be torn to shreds by the hounds, thus completing a miserable and undignified exit for the animal.
(11) The best team doesn't always win but it would be a shallow victory if winning meant resorting to undignified means.
(12) I tried to get my hands on it at every available opportunity and drove it in a highly undignified manner (sorry, Dad).
(13) I was made to lie down on his couch, stick my legs in the air, wiggle my toes, push against him and generally do all manner of undignified things.
(14) Once the books had been launched, however, we were locked into an undignified struggle for publicity.
(15) It's rough and demanding and I feel it would be undignified and demeaning for the fair sex to be taking part in such a spectacle.
(16) This will ensure the patient dies with dignity, instead dying the undignified death that some terminally ill patients are reduced to having.
(17) What an undignified and inhumane way to treat people.
(18) It would have been an undignified episode for any politician - never mind the First Minister of Scotland.
(19) They will feel it is undignified and trivialising the law.
(20) He came to parliament and made a poignant and dignified departure after a bungling and undignified three weeks.