(1) And if you go in for underwater photography, take three times as much film as you think you need.
(2) The penguins can be viewed, not just from a sloping arena but also from underwater viewing areas.
(3) He is passionate about both diving and underwater photography and does not want to let me down.
(5) Well, in a landscape so void of life above water, the underwater contrast is huge.
(6) Nearly 60% of mortgages written in 2006 are underwater .
(7) If the lake is shallow there can be a very strong underwater tow, whether the wind is blowing or not.
(8) If you have trouble with water going up your nose breath out whilst your underwater or consider using a nose clip.
(9) She said the divers will have to work with the tides and underwater visibility to do their job.
(10) Many thousands of acres now lie underwater or are so wet that they will be inaccessible for many months.
(11) Analysts have forecasted that the 30 percent of underwater mortgages today could rise to 48 percent by 2011, so you won't have to look too far to see what will happen to foreclosures and mortgage losses when the number rises to 20 million people.
(12) This is basically an underwater parachute which fills with water and slows the boat down.
(13) Police officers have combed the area with dogs and an underwater team has searched the canal near his work.
(14) They stayed underwater
(15) Almost 50%, or 25 million homes, will be underwater on their mortgage loans by 2011.
(16) It doesn't work underwater
(17) You need to call your lender if you're either underwater on your mortgage or behind and you need help.
(18) As many as one in six homeowners are currently what's known as underwater .
(19) People are being forced to seek modifications for their underwater mortgages, watch retirement savings wither and choose between medicine and meals.
(20) We clambered out of the water after some serious underwater rock climbing.