(1) An inclination contrary to the strongest or prevailing feeling
(2) The seaward undercurrent created after waves have broken on the shore
(1) Some people mistakenly call this an undertow , but there's no undercurrent, just an offshore current.
(2) The undertow here's strong, and it'll sweep you out to sea before you know it.
(3) Like undertow at a beach, you find yourself being drawn out to places you don't want to be without realizing it.
(4) I was swept away by the undertow
(5) Before they know it, they're caught in the undertow .
(6) Jenny screamed, being dragged under by the massive undertow .
(7) And, as each wave retreats, there is a vicious undertow .
(8) But like the undertow of a giant tidal wave, the massive media exposure couldn't exist without a backlash.
(9) As a wave lifts him he grips onto a rocky ledge and is pulled back by the undertow .
(10) There is a dark undertow to the book.
(11) Unhappily for your daughter, she is in the undertow of abuse, loss, and possibly guilt.
(12) She hit the sandy ground, and got pulled out with the undertow .
(13) Amid the laughter, the melodrama and hysteria, this is a play with a terrible, almost frightening undertow of sadness and helplessness.
(14) There's been a high undertow and rip currents there.
(15) It was far away, almost out of sight, and the undertow threatened to pull her down at any moment.
(16) It was like a flood, like being trapped in the undertow of a tsunami.
(17) The undertow of hopelessness threatens to lead many to despair.
(18) Struggling against the current, he was overcome by the undertow several times before he managed to swim with the child to where the boys waited.
(19) The water then withdraws (the backwash) either as undertow (sheetflow near the sea bed) or in localized currents known as rip currents.
(20) There will be no big themes, no gripping emotional undertow , no feeling of the pain.
sea purse
sea puss