কম দরে চিক্রয় করা, অত্যস্ত শস্তায় বেচা
(1) Sell cheaper than one's competition
(1) He wasn't going to undersell himself again to a team with such dim prospects.
(2) In other words, we subsidize our farmers so heavily that they can undersell poor competitors abroad.
(3) Increasingly individuals who performed such work at home were displaced by wage workers employed in urban factories and shops that took advantage of machinery or economies of scale to undersell homeworkers.
(4) We can equal or undersell mail order
(5) Don't undersell yourself
(6) That is not to undersell or under-rate the book: it is also a handy reference for professional writers, particularly those looking to expand more widely into other areas of food writing.
(7) I told them that all my working life I'd fought to ensure my men had decent wages - and that I wasn't going to undersell them now.
(8) As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous.
(9) Many chains claim that no one will undersell their own Web sites, but this is a tough policy to enforce.
(10) To compare the world to an oyster (even one that is owned by me) is to undersell it a little, I think.
(11) To say the golf was scintillating would be to undersell not only the drama but also the quality.
(12) Many business leaders and community activists undersell social interaction.
(13) Meanwhile, corporate agribusiness can undersell the small family farmer, making the small farm economically unviable.
(14) I think that, while an impressive gimmick, it is very undersold .
(15) He has always had a feel for what the audience wants and never knowingly undersells a great event or oversells a poor event.
(16) The department store chain decided to remove the ÔÇÿnever knowingly undersoldÔÇÖ tag for the Internet because it couldn't be never knowingly undersold .
(17) He undersold himself by $5 million, maybe more.
(18) There's always a balance between overselling and underselling , and although I think we have good potential, we have just begun to deliver on that.
(19) Marty here told us you were pretty, but it's clear he undersold you.
(20) There are unquestionably farmers in a number of developing countries who have been undersold and even put out of business by imports whose prices are artificially low thanks to subsidies the rich countries pay their farmers.