(1) Under the feet,in the way and hindering progress,beneath,in the way
(2) Under the feet
(3) In the way and hindering progress
(4) Beneath
(5) In the way
(1) My bare feet were tickled by the cool, dewy grass underfoot .
(2) An overnight frost made the ground underfoot extremely slippery and made for a perilous descent.
(3) Moving carefully, checking the ground underfoot and the supports overhead as he went, he moved towards it.
(4) Genuine rights were being trodden underfoot
(5) The last thing my mother wanted was a child underfoot
(6) The ground underfoot is often unstable, and some of the currents are extremely strong.
(7) In fact, he was constantly underfoot on the court.
(8) The ground underfoot was soggy, with mud pushing between Sekher's toes.
(9) With the ground underfoot very wet, players were slipping all over the park and passing moves were continually let down by poor handling.
(10) It was very muddy underfoot
(11) It's usually really cold, the ground underfoot gets muddy and the badly controlled crowd management means that it takes ages to leave.
(12) The ground stirred underfoot , enough to shake the group of four, but not enough for them to lose their equilibrium.
(13) The ground was cold underfoot but we were laughing as we fetched rocks from the river, re-erected the tent and weighed down its rim with the rocks.
(14) The young man watched the empty doorway for a moment then sagged against the table, not noticing as the photos fluttered to the ground to be trampled underfoot .
(15) The first thing Ben noticed was that the ground underfoot seemed less dusty; he was walking on bare rock.
(16) It sounded like the ground was pursing it's lips as diggers shuffled their boots on the broken ground underfoot .
(17) The slippery and wet ground underfoot also dampened any prospect of a free-flowing game.
(18) The ground underfoot was still hopelessly boggy, and as I jumped the half metre distance from the van to the floor, little specks of mud flew everywhere.
(19) Giles felt it before he saw anything: a pounding on the ground underfoot .
(20) Trail shoes also have a lower heel, allowing you to stay closer to the ground and giving you more u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510feelu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb for the varied ground underfoot .
beneath one's feet
on the ground