(1) Seal consisting of a coating of a tar or rubberlike material on the underside of a motor vehicle to retard corrosion,the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface,thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guardhair
(2) Seal consisting of a coating of a tar or rubberlike material on the underside of a motor vehicle to retard corrosion
(3) The first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
(4) Thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guardhair
(1) Cover with a primer; apply a primer to
(2) Cover with a primer
(3) Apply a primer to
(1) He said the undercoat was intentionally a bright colour so that the painters could spot any areas they missed with the grey paint, which would be applied within a matter of days.
(2) The Chinook has a double coat comprising long guard hairs over a soft, short undercoat .
(3) One of the dog's unique characteristics is its lack of an undercoat , which provides insulation from heat and cold.
(4) If I paint, is there a special undercoat and paint that I should use?
(5) The Aussie's outercoat is moderately short and weather resistant while the undercoat , which insulates against both heat and cold, is short and dense.
(6) Sometimes his pigment catches the canvas threads dryly, leaving the dips of the rough weave coloured only by the undercoat .
(7) The standard coat of a Shih Tzu should be luxuriously long and dense with a good wooly undercoat .
(8) Use a special primer as an undercoat so that the paint will adhere better.
(9) Because their undercoat is not so cottony or profuse as that of some other longhaired breeds, ragdolls do not require as much grooming.
(10) The vat had been full of solvent-based rubberised paint used as an undercoat on vans made at the factory.
(11) Camel hair is from the extremely soft and fine fur from the undercoat of the camel.
(12) Covering this athletic body is a flat, wavy, medium-length outercoat and a soft dense undercoat .
(13) Since the fur is only semi-long and lacks the downy undercoat , the coat doesn't tangle and even show cats require little grooming.
(14) The walls were painted only in a sickly yellow undercoat , and even that was peeling.
(15) Sand the woodwork down, undercoat it, remove any grease stains and finish it in an oil based sandalwood or gloss.
(16) The dog weighs about sixty pounds with medium length fur and a thick undercoat and possesses an unusual physiological adaptation for work.
(17) The magnetic layer on its 24-inch disc was reputedly formed from the primer paint used to undercoat San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.
(18) First, they painted the stucco with a primer undercoat , then applied medium blue latex house paint.
(19) For a long hair retriever you should take off the undercoat , thin the hair but leave it long on top to achieve a sleek effect.
(20) They also make paints for wood or concrete floors and masonry as well as the requisite undercoat and primer paints.
(21) The lift was inoperable, the walls had been left with barely an undercoat on them and there was bare screed on the floors.
(22) An undercoat is preferred so there are no thin or bare spots visible.
(23) The soft, silky coat of the shorthair bobtail is medium in length without a noticeable undercoat .
(24) And soft, sloughing paints are a poor undercoat for anything other than a fresh coat of the same.
(25) The coat consists of two layers - an undercoat of fine white hair and an outer coat composed of long guard hairs which are hollow and help to make the polar bear more buoyant when swimming.
(26) The soft undercoat will shed out twice a year, but regular combing will keep that under control.
(27) Use matt white emulsion paint as an undercoat for the tip.
(28) Before the glaze coat begins to dry, use the sponge to remove some of the glaze to expose the undercoat .
(29) These penetrating sealers are often used as an undercoat with surface finishes; but be sure the two finishes are compatible before you begin.
(30) Upon completion, the resulting piece is sun-baked for several days prior to painting, which commences with the application of a thick white undercoat .
primer coat
priming coat