অসভ্য, সংস্কৃতিহীন, অনভ্যস্ত, অপরিশীলিত, অনার্য, অনার্যোচিত
(1) (of persons
(2) (of persons) lacking art or knowledge
(1) The fashion vanguard will have to develop new strategies to resist the taunts of the uncultured , or even to exploit them in the service of greater hipness.
(2) They are backward, uncultured , uncivilized, and completely alien to the good norms values and achievements of the present era.
(3) Or maybe I'm just totally uncultured when it comes to films.
(4) I didn't think it was all that good, but before you dismiss me as an uncultured ingrate, I must make my past experience clear.
(5) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I'm sorry if I seemed uncultured and ignorant earlier,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(6) They think their parents are uncultured and not posh enough to live a life as rich and famous.
(7) We've already seen how uncultured I am, so I'll open this one to the flooru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac
(8) It was natural food with a natural flavour, and it went down a treat, even with my uncultured tastebuds.
(9) He murmured, slipping into the uncultured speech of the poorer class as he comforted the man in his arms.
(10) As I was with an English teacher, a literary obsessive and a borderline genius, spending time in The Globe could've been very intimidating for someone as thick and uncultured as me.
(11) They consider eating outside in this way uncultured , and not for the likes of them.
(12) People in many other cultures view this insistence on getting to the point as rude and uncultured .
(13) But now I feel there was something rather endearing about my uncultured clumsiness.
(14) They are laughably rude and uncultured , of course; this hardly constitutes a sharp observation.
(15) I glared at them and muttered the Russian word for uncultured lowlife.
(16) My poor uncultured lady will have to get used to travelling quite a bit.
(17) Their comments were not only uncultured but completely out of context.
(18) I am a colossal fool, completely uncultured , uneducated, unable even to spell opara, poorly dressed, but fortunately not quite ugly enough to have to put a bag over my head.
(19) That doesn't mean to say that Mr Wilson is uncultured .