(1) Language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense
(1) She uses the Eucharist as a pictorial trope
(2) I'm glad to see that, in this article at least, that trope has been toned down to ask what role those elements might play in these crimes.
(3) My sense that philosophy has become barren is a recurrent trope of modern philosophy
(4) Beatrice's tactic in wit is to trope the object of her scorn into its satirical extreme, defined here by Hero as its opposite.
(5) This is another familiar trope - riddled with conspiratorial whispers as it is.
(6) He used the two-Americas trope to explain how a nation free and democratic at home could act wantonly abroad
(7) The relative absence of conventional musical tropes doesn't mean, though, that the group approaches compositional matters indifferently.
(8) And, among these resources, the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510colorsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of rhetorical tropes figure prominently, as the lavish profusion of colors which marks the first half of the text suggests.
(9) Putting metaphor and other tropes in a rather remote place, he propounded another aspect of figurative language as absolutely essential to the sublime.
(10) The disembodied voice of echo is troped as feminine because of its emptiness, its belatedness, and its inability to signify except in relation to an already established discourse.
(11) The scrolls and the codex of the two novels are maps for the reader in linking the tropes , metaphors, and themes of each novel in a non-linear coherence.
(12) The most disturbing of these tropes is the idea that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510combatu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the highest form of manlinessu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(13) All those things are the tropes of a reductive idea about what is woman and female.
(14) In other words, the natural world becomes visible only to the extent that it has been colored; that is, troped by our desire, which denaturalizes it, turns it into the trope through which it signifies itself.
(15) The poetic, as I remarked earlier, is not, for Wittgenstein, a question of heightening, of removing language from its everyday use by means of appropriate troping or rhetorical device.
(16) No longer will one or two tropes or metaphors serve to characterize the poetic work done by women.
(17) From this perspective, it's not that there is no distinction between literal and figurative but rather that tropes and figures are fundamental structures of language, not exceptions and distortions.
(18) For Morrison, however, while troping her predecessors' unhomed terror, vertigo becomes a zone of potentiality offering rehabituation in a diasporic landscape that affirms the dislocated and untranslatable aspects of diaspora.
figure of speech