টিপাই, তেপায়া বস্তু
(1) A three-legged rack used for support
(1) His laptop glows in front of him, dimly lighting a video camera perched atop its tripod .
(2) I almost never leave the camera on the tripod while I walk from one location to another due to fear of having the camera fall off.
(3) Another great visual effect is to put the camera on the tripod and use a zoom lens.
(4) Attributions are based largely on four documented sets of Chippendale style chairs and a tripod table.
(5) So, I headed back to the house for my tripod , camera and zoom lens.
(6) The technique works best if you keep the camera mounted on a tripod so each successive exposure is level with the others.
(7) After the victory over the Persians in 479 B. C. the Greeks offered this tripod at the oracle of Delphi, from where it was brought to Byzantium.
(8) The Pythia were priestesses of Apollo who would sit in a tripod or throne over a crevice in the earth.
(9) The bottom piece was essential if I wanted to be able to use the camera with a tripod .
(10) If the buildings are artistically lit, night shots can produce dramatic results, but bring a tripod to keep the camera steady during long exposures.
(11) For the night shots, have your camera on a tripod .
(12) Then they assembled their picture-taking equipment, a digital camera and a tripod (so that there would be no shaky hand-held shots).
(13) You must have the head of the tripod loose enough so that you can follow the tracer through your viewfinder, but not so loose that the camera has no support from the tripod head.
(14) Use a tripod to steady the camera, and make long exposures so you can use small apertures for maximum depth of field.
(15) Chad gently set the camera atop the tripod and hooked the wires up one at a time, carefully connecting the correct colors together.
(16) He calls to the lords and asks them to add a tripod and a cauldron each to Odysseus' treasures.
(17) If you can turn the flash off, do so and put the camera on the tripod .
(18) A wax tablet lay open on the tripod table next to the mirror.
(19) A camera on tripod stood ready to document the reconstructed scene.
(20) High tripod side tables are appropriate next to the sofa or love seat for country home decor.