(1) In the various sessions, it ran up and down the scales from high drama to epic tragedy , from broad comedy to poignant romance.
(2) The government and the media have attempted to portray the tragedy as a natural disaster.
(3) To transcend the bounds of tragedy is credit to both writer and performer.
(4) However, what is there in linguistic gravity, romance and tragedy is slightly lacking in subtlety.
(5) Emblem books and tragedy can be considered as the two literary genres in which this twofold image of death is best exemplified.
(6) You could accuse him of hitching a lift on the back of Greek tragedy .
(7) No one, I confidently told an academic friend this week, writes tragedy any more.
(8) This may not be French classical tragedy as we normally understand it.
(9) I love politics, too, with its human dramas worthy of Greek tragedy , or at least soap opera.
(10) This turns the play into a gripping tragedy and a moving tale of human frailty.
(11) That purging of emotions that drama, especially tragedy , is supposed to inspire.
(12) That said, it is still an enjoyable evening - both comedy and tragedy certainly have their moments.
(13) The official outcome of the investigation was that the tragedy was an accident - pure and simple.
(14) A tragedy that killed 95 people
(15) In other words, shifting the format from theatrical tragedy to televisual sitcom.
(16) But road safety campaigners say the figures hide the human tragedy behind each accident.
(17) There are two uses of the Shakespearean concept of tragedy that could be drawn on.
(18) The representatives of tragedy and comedy chosen are not Greek but Roman.
(19) Each death is a tragedy with devastating life changing effects on the families of the children killed.
(20) Any road accident that causes a death or serious injury is a tragedy .