(1) A clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object
(2) Emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians
(3) A clan identified by their kinship to a common totemic object
(4) Emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant
(5) Serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)
(6) Pole
(1) If a family has a totem , it cannot eat that animal, which is considered a spiritual protector.
(2) But the truth is, the little girl was in no danger, for like the other members of her tribe, she was a child of an animal totem .
(3) It is strictly taboo for anyone to eat the meat from an animal that is his or her totem .
(4) Is it a sign, is it a totem , that normal society has returned?
(5) After that we turned our attention to animal myths, totems and characters, and I asked them to draw each of themselves as animals with which they identified.
(6) Premodern societies often had animal totems , and they saw animals and humans as intertwined through reincarnation.
(7) And here is the Raiders' totemistic beef: Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
(8) It may have originated, like the stories of the Australians, at a time when men were totemists , when every person had a bestial or vegetable u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510family-name,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb and when, to account for these hereditary names, stories of descent from a supernatural, bestial, primeval race were invented.
(9) When people die they pass on their totems to young children, usually a son or grandson.
(10) This destabilises the popular notion that the Aboriginal relation to place through totemism and myth is timeless, and it is probably the case that a historicised Aboriginality is harder to negotiate through the land claim process.
(11) The last word, proclaiming the totemism of things that are u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510good to eat,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is uttered in a cadence of triumph.
(12) For centuries our ancestors have had animal totems .
(13) Of course, the reference itself is extremely varied: it is relatively direct in the case of totemism , where the same name designates the totem and the group, and becomes more remote in the case of more advanced religions.
(14) Among these patterns are those that cross-cut human and other species, creating the consubstantial kindreds known as totemic groups.
(15) I can begin to engage with this metaphysics most efficiently through a consideration of Australian Aboriginal totemism .
(16) It depends whether their religion is totemistic , pantheistic or monotheistic, surely.
(17) Granted, totemism and therianthropy weave very closely in my life, and there may be some connection there, but I don't think I am a totemist solely because I am a therian.
(18) They were given certain animal totems to feed the people, such as fish, turtle and every other creature that lives in the water.
(19) In doing so, they defined the spatial and social organisation of Aboriginal clans, providing each with totemic links to particular places and tracts of country, and to each other.
(20) For Africans, the clan, a group of people descended from a single remote male ancestor, symbolized by a totemic animal and organized politically around a chiefly title, is the largest kinship unit.