বাজান, বাঁশিতে ক্ষুদ্র আত্তয়াজ করা
বংশীধ্বনি, শিঙাধ্বনি
(1) A blast of a horn.
(2) Revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party.
(3) Revelry in drinking.
(4) A merry drinking party.
(1) Make a loud noise.
(2) Sound.
(1) Finally, with a toot of its horn, the car reached them.
(2) On hearing a toot from the regimental trumpeter, they sank their teeth into the rear ends of the men in front.
(3) One day, the toot of a trumpet could bring it tumbling down.
(4) He'd just climbed out of the shower when he heard the toot of a car horn.
(5) Perhaps if every motorist gave a sharp toot of the horn at every bump, this might encourage a movement from the over-indulged Burley residents to get the road straightened out again, to the benefit of the damaged majority.
(6) And then, a friendly toot sounded on our drive-way.
(7) They have always been polite and would toot and give a wave.
(8) We decline the chief's offer of a toot on his opium pipe - I'm not sure if I need things to be any stranger than they already are - and head back to camp.
(9) Perhaps, in the absence of police, mere pedestrians, unable to toot in disapproval, should signify anger by raising one or more fingers to these motorised plonkers.
(10) There are those who toot and those who are tooted at.
(11) The whirr of the compressor was the only sound heard other than a brief toot on the horn to warn an errant pedestrian or overzealous cabbie, trying not to put a dent in GM's million-dollar baby.
(12) A sales manager on a toot
(13) Manchester city council says it will investigate every beep - and says the police could be called in the last resort because it's illegal to toot unless it's an emergency.
(14) She's clearly a hit with drivers as well, with a series of cars giving a cheery toot of the horn as they pass, while others stop to put some money in her collecting tin.
(15) Besides the fact that I know of at least one current national tabloid editor (and many Canary Wharf executives) who has enjoyed a toot in my presence, it's the point that his readers are doing it that is bothering me.
(16) While brass bands welcomed the Hawks on to the ground, train drivers guiding their red rattlers past the railway wing would toot their horns in accompaniment.
(17) Traditionally run by women and without licences, today's shebeens and taverns are a profitable option based on humanity's fondness for the occasional toot .
(18) Steam engines give a warning blast as they move off or sound a warning toot from their whistles as they thunder through stations.
(19) He looked up at me, eyes dilated further (which I thought would be impossible), u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Would you like a toot ?u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(20) How many passing cars merrily toot or produce a mood-spoiling cheeky wave or a mischievous headlight flash?