পোশাক পরান
(1) Provide with clothes or put clothes on
(1) So I got myself togged up in the required fisherman's smock, with those handy pockets for putting things in.
(2) We've rather over judged the dress code - and appear to be the only ones to have bothered to get togged up at all.
(3) The playing surface was a sea of green on Saturday evening and to make matters worse both teams wore togs which were predominantly white.
(4) Revellers togged up in suits and fancy vintage dresses groove the night away against a projected backdrop of classic films, footage of a bygone Birmingham and, later in the evening, eye-popping burlesque routines.
(5) Winton wasn't ready to see her today, there in his togs and all, dishevelled and exhausted.
(6) We wandered back to the hotel from the Quayside after midnight, hand in hand and still in our posh togs , while Newcastle celebrated around us.
(7) I got all togged up with goggles, ear plugs, face masks and dirty old clothes for two days floor sanding fun!
(8) Daisy and I had a walk into town, suitably togged up in waterproofs.
(9) Once he comes offstage he starts changing into his wedding togs , which look more appropriate for Windsor Castle than Any Town, USA.
(10) I recommend you all wear your summer togs because you may not get another chance this year!
(11) In the end, we had snow, but the flurries were light, and so we togged up and trekked across town back to Betty's.
(12) The sun shone as we togged out in our t-shirts that we put on over several layers of thermal underwear!
(13) While we would like people to wear the right togs , just because don't shouldn't mean they are excluded.
(14) It's definitely time for a closet clear-out and some new togs .
(15) At any opportunity the kids are togged out in their wellies and off out to the two secured outdoor areas on-site or for a run around outside.
(16) I start getting togged up at 6.50 pm, but there's a vocal warm-up at 6.30 pm and I'm happy to be missing out on that!
(17) I quickly slipped out of my togs and under the sheet with some embarrassment.
(18) The point at which you put summer clothes away and bring out winter togs should be celebrated with some small ceremony.
(19) We could never emulate that spread when we had one u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510bestu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb set of clothes, school togs and the cousin's hand-me-down scruffs we mucked around in the rest of the time.
(20) None of that cash, however, goes on designer togs .
fit out