(1) A baroque musical composition (usually for a keyboard instrument
(2) A baroque musical composition (usually for a keyboard instrument) with full chords and rapid elaborate runs in a rhythmically free style
(1) It consists of a complete four-minute piece, in the form of a simple prelude or voluntary and the start - just a few bars - of a fugal Allegro in the manner of a toccata .
(2) It's a remastered release of a dozen vinyl LPs, including the 1955 Goldbergs, the Well - Tempered Clavier, three concertos and as many toccatas and fugues as your heart could desire.
(3) She not only gets the steel and rhythm of the toccatas (and power without pounding), but above all she generates a wealth of color and an inexorable musical line, whether loud or soft.
(4) Most people will agree that J S Bach composed the greatest keyboard toccatas precisely because he, more than any composer, was master of maximal emotional intensity, countered by acute intellectual lucidity.
(5) However, it is important to note that this also finds parallels in the keyboard toccatas of a number of North German composers.