(1) The common thread in both situations is the communication of information in confidence to an adviser or therapeutic counsellor.
(2) The common thread that ran throughout the entire discussion focused on the chasm that sometimes exists between teachers and retailers.
(3) It was the suddenness with which the drop opened, more than a thousand feet from Hualapai Hilltop to the pale thread of the track below, that took my breath away.
(4) It is frustration like not being able to thread a needle, no matter how hard you try.
(5) The cameraman would show me how to thread the film and how to repair it.
(6) We do not know where she got the needle from because neither of us can remember the last time we used a needle and thread .
(7) The idea: thread a catheter up the femoral artery from the groin or through another blood vessel.
(8) The Thames was a thread of silver below them
(9) Armed with the strongest and finest cotton thread in the world, Bolton's weavers were able to produce the finest cotton material in the world.
(10) Generally in an angioplasty, doctors thread a catheter through the femoral artery.
(11) When the right pair was found, the woman was able to thread a needle again.
(12) He wanted a car small enough to thread through city streets, yet big enough to take three people and their luggage.
(13) Handiness with a needle and thread made her eldest child the obvious choice for such a task.
(14) To my surprise, Emma takes some needle and thread out of one of her pockets.
(15) One of the unexpected benefits of posting the article to a newsgroup was that a thread developed on the subject of competition on the London to Manchester route.
(16) No, he didn't say any of that, he just sent us a link to the discussion thread .
(17) A common thread through most of the stories is the support from the family.
(18) Using an awl or heavy needle, poke two holes through the spine of the book to thread the waxed linen through.
(19) Earlier phases in its history have emphasized different characteristics, but a common thread remains.
(20) If you have any problems that aren't resolved here, then you can post on the forum thread by clicking here