নৌকার পার্শ্বসংলগ্ন কাঠি
(1) No data available
(1) But these are the perils of my profession, and I am happy to thole them for the privilege of attending some of the best sport around.
(2) They cannot thole the fact that the painting sold for u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu2551750,000.
(3) You've just got to thole it because the clouds might disappear and suddenly you'll be busy.
(4) He relates the importance of the thole , which secures the oar to the boat, and notes that towing was the expedition's worst job assignment.
(5) If there's one thing I can't thole it's a lie
(6) Perhaps because he had known hard times himself he could thole the hard times of the nation.
(7) I couldn't thole the voice, but I wouldn't mind the view, if you get my meaning.