TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 15
Thermal? Because it's gonna be cold.
তপ্ত, উষ্ণ, তাপ-সংক্রান্ত
(1) Relating to or associated with heat.
(2) Of or relating to a hot spring.
(3) Caused by or designed to retain heat.
(4) Of or relating to hot a hot spring.
(5) Warm.
(1) Rising current of warm air
(1) Bed socks, nightcaps, thermal underwear and warm nightclothes are a good idea.
(2) Charles soon joined the table, smoothing out his hair and pulling a lacrosse jersey over his thermal shirt.
(3) Heat, or thermal energy, is transferred from one body to another by virtue of a temperature differential.
(4) No wonder I needed thermal underwear on Monday.
(5) The thermal properties of copper are such that it can draw heat away very quickly indeed, but it also has a tendency to keep that heat.
(6) For example, the mesh could filter the thermal radiation from a heat source so that only the optimal wavelengths reach the device.
(7) Well, as we already know, aluminum is a popular material used for heatsinks due to its thermal properties.
(8) It is designed for corporate firms involved in manufacturing processes like petrochemical industries and thermal power stations that require large quantities of water.
(9) But the sun has barely set on this all-night shoot and I'm already wishing I'd brought thermal underwear and a foil blanket.
(10) Either way, the gauze, acting as a heat sink, removes the thermal energy from the system so that the temperature above or below it is not sufficient to ignite the gas.
(11) This Christmas my parents gave me thermal underwear.
(12) I've resorted to thermal underwear, several layers of jerseys, winter stockings and a polar fleece jacket.
(13) Just pray they don't spot the thermal underwear.
(14) In thermal recovery, heat is the most important agent.
(15) Work is also continuing on the refurbishment of two units at a large thermal power station in south Baghdad.
(16) PCBs were the miracle fluids, used widely in the western world in transformers, turbines, and vacuum pumps for their high thermal stability and dielectric properties.
(17) If you really want to know, we ate at a food court and shopped for thermal underwear.
(18) Cold weather gloves, jackets and insulated flying boots combined with thermal underwear will keep you warm during a flight and can save your life in an emergency.
(19) No, I wore thermal nightwear on winter nights only.
(20) If you have a high density of atoms and you put thermal energy into the system you will raise the temperature.
The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 15
Thermal? Because it's gonna be cold.