(1) They drew a picture of themselves
(2) What about themselves?
(3) Computers are made out of materials which are themselves subject to the laws of Nature.
(4) What annoys me most about the whole subject is the attitude of a lot of smokers themselves .
(5) It is essential for anyone wanting to express themselves and hear what others have to say.
(6) They chose the songs themselves
(7) Countries unable to look after themselves
(8) They told him themselves
(9) They are thus able to remain objects of desire without themselves being subject to it.
(10) So, is this just a common response for anyone who gives themselves fully to a given path?
(11) All four of them acquitted themselves with distinction appearing in all their finals.
(12) Excellent at organizing others, they may well be disorganized themselves
(13) It'd be themselves who would start it
(14) There is a joke the Serbs tell against themselves about the two Serb astronauts who land on the moon.
(16) Nobody would put themselves in danger like that
(17) Thousands of hopefuls have sent in videos of themselves and have been whittled down to a hundred.
(18) They were pleased with themselves
(19) Why else would anyone want to project themselves to a potential audience of millions?
(20) They'll hurt themselves