TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18 the fibers of the meat that can compromise its taste and texture.
জমিন, গঠনবিন্যাস, বয়ন, জমি, বয়নবিন্যাস, বয়নপ্রণালী
(1) The feel of a surface or a fabric.
(2) The essential quality of something.
(3) The musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together.
(4) The characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile quality.
(5) The physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance.
(6) Charactertistics of a surface.
(1) When certain musicians were not available to do their parts friends were brought in to fill the gaps, and this has only added to the depth and texture of the music.
(2) A dark shirt of rough texture
(3) Though simple in style and clean in texture , the primo parts of these duets provide the teacher with many opportunities to teach musicianship.
(4) Now I'm starting to appreciate the interplay of musical texture and lyrical directness.
(5) Although both narrators are prone to purple passages, the texture of Singer's Gothic prose remains one of the novel's strengths.
(6) Sides expertly creates texture by weaving into his double narrative some more personal, more emotional vignettes that add color and pathos.
(7) I brushed a finger along the side of his face, feeling the rough texture of the dark stubble he was allowing to remain on his chin.
(8) The cheese is firm in texture
(9) They often comment on the flavour, texture and overall quality of the beef which we believe is due to the lengthy hanging process.
(10) As in paintings by Malevich and Mondrian, one can detect irregularities of surface texture that come from dragging a brush across the canvas.
(11) One of the ways in which this foreshadowing of Agnes's death is expressed in the poem is through the swan imagery so deeply embedded in the poem's figural texture .
(12) When translated into watercolor on silk, her paintings retain both the muted palette and slightly wrinkled texture of the leaf collages.
(13) For playful touches that contrast with felt's matte texture , thread shiny satin ribbon through slits in the fabric or weave it into a pillow front.
(14) This wine is known for its rich, silky texture and complex character.
(15) The result is paper with a rough-edged and impressive texture .
(16) Her most interesting work is double-woven, which creates variations in texture .
(17) There also was a feeling of texture in many fabrics, created through tie-dye, batik and ombred effects.
(18) The use of layered hand-made paper of different quality gives varied texture to the painting.
(19) Though no subsequent comedy has transformation woven so fully into its texture as this, Ovid was of continued importance in Shakespeare's later work in the genre.
(20) Besides being a source of fast-digesting carbs, that type of cereal will add thickness and texture to your protein shake.
The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18 the fibers of the meat that can compromise its taste and texture.