(1) Renewal or termination of the contract will be done at three months notice by either party.
(2) The termination of a contract
(3) Another change concerns a provision stipulating that failure to meet contractual obligations for two consecutive years will result in termination of the contracts.
(4) We can not express too highly our admiration of those seaman like qualities which have under Providence brought us thus far in safety on our journey which promises now a happy and speedy termination .
(5) There can be a termination by the employer, and thus direct dismissal, when he repudiates the contract of employment.
(6) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The only way the contract can be broken at the moment is by mutual termination , which is the position we are in,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she said.
(7) Collectively, all were part of the global settlement, even though some preceded the final termination of hostilities, and were actually instrumental in bringing it about.
(8) Over a quarter had one or more children affected with a genetic condition and a similar proportion had a spontaneous abortion or underwent termination after prenatal diagnosis.
(9) Cystic fibrosis is a serious, lifelong condition, and many couples who are at risk opt for prenatal testing and termination of affected pregnancies.
(10) It would have a final and binding effect consistent with the intended termination of the relationship between the parties.
(11) If abortions are a matter of fact, then it makes sense that termination should be made as safe as possible.
(12) The service is offered to all parents who have experienced a loss in pregnancy or infancy (including miscarriage or termination of pregnancy for antenatally diagnosed abnormality).
(13) An Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by loss or destruction of the foetus before it is capable of independent life.
(14) Simply defined, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy through external means.
(15) During each census and upon termination of the sampling, we searched the surrounding habitat for marked individuals that were not at their initial capture/release point.
(16) They would not want a termination even if the baby was disabled
(17) However, the delivery delay would not result in the contract's termination .
(18) A union statement said business conglomerates were threatening the livelihood of casual workers by mass lay-offs and unilateral termination of contracts.
(19) I developed my abilities of termination with extreme prejudice, and without an inkling of remorse.
(20) The first generation reproductive technologies addressed the felt need for safe and effective methods of contraception and medical termination of pregnancies.