(1) So much of what you read and hear in the States is born out of a need for academics to be published in order to keep their tenure at universities.
(2) Even in countries like Australia, which haven't witnessed recent dramatic upheaval, there is still scope for confusion around land tenure , albeit on a much smaller scale.
(3) He was subsequently promoted to the rank of associate professor and granted tenure .
(4) But my question would be this: If I'm not mistaken most of Frost's tenure in office was under the Democratic majority.
(5) Another would raise eligibility for teacher tenure to five years from the current two, making it easier to fire poor performers.
(6) Cleverdon had the longest tenure of office as pastor of First Baptist Church in Savannah - nineteen years.
(7) Ronald Granger has not made any changes to the office during his tenure here, except for a picture of Frances and his children.
(8) University teachers have lost tenure and the quality of their teaching and research is regularly assessed by independent bodies.
(9) Compare, for example, the probationary period endured by an assistant professor before gaining tenure with that of an assembly line worker in the automotive sector.
(10) He promised that transparency and accountability would form foundation of his executive's tenure in office and success on the field of play.
(11) Their tenure of office was uncertain and insecure.
(12) Tenure for university staff has been abolished
(13) And people have been denied admission to the university, or denied tenure , or didn't get their degrees, all due to their sex since then?
(14) The unions are spending a boatload of money to protect their paycheck deduction for dues and to fight against extending the time to get teacher tenure .
(15) During his tenure at Oxford University, he belonged to a group called the inklings, which also included the author C.S. Lewis.
(16) It's an improvement over the last time a president announced that he would end his tenure with the university.
(17) Most importantly perhaps the philosophy of land tenure and inheritance was quite different.
(18) The latter entails redefining land tenure and redistribution of land.
(19) In urban areas, however, the choice of space is limited because of the restricted availability of houses and the nature of freehold land tenure .
(20) There would be eight semi - permanent seats with tenure of four years that could then be renewed for another four - year term but no longer.