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English to Bangla Meaning of tempter - যে মানুষ প্রলুব্ধ করে

Definitions of tempter in English


(1) No data available

(2) A person who tempts others

(3) Seducer

Examples of tempter in English

(1) Satan is the insidious tempter who whispers in men's hearts.

(2) Many varieties of religion have long spoken about a Satan or tempter .

(3) The walk is visually stunning for anyone used to a dry, brown landscape, and a serious tempter for more.

(4) He is the subtle tempter of man's moral balance.

(5) The destructive tempter is within as much as without.

(6) The tempter this time has been resisted.

(7) The devil is a prominent character in the film, and takes the role of tempter and power broker.

(8) You've got two villains here - the tempters and the tempted.

(9) His very name, Satan, means Tempter .

(10) This is Satan the Tempter : jovial, charming and utterly plausible.

(11) The tempters know their limitations: only the individual can bring about his own damnation.

(12) Jesus resisted the Tempter .

(13) The temptress and tempters have described their seduction technique.

(14) It was as if Tempter was standing in front of her.

(15) The women are both tempters and comforters.

(16) There is little appreciation of the documented tricks of The Tempter .

(17) His grapples with the Tempter are portrayed in dark, unsettling detail.

(18) He is quite unlike the biblical Tempter in his actions.

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No data available

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