(1) An insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or boringly studious
(1) Study intensively, as before an exam
(1) Once you have located the source of potential trouble, your next step is to go, not to the doctor, but to the bookshop to swot up your symptoms in a health manual.
(2) British sports writing - in contrast to the American variety - often has the feel of the class swot trying to impress the lads with his newly discovered fascination for footie.
(3) And everyone looks at the floor, until the swot comes in with an answer that he hopes will impress the teachers.
(4) To call them outsiders is like saying the school swot is from another planet.
(5) I have a first class honours degree in biochemistry and I won the prize for being the top swot .
(6) If the idea of quitting office life sounds appealing, make sure you swot up first, advises Dave Houlden
(7) In the same way a hard-working employee can annoy his more laid-back colleagues by showing them up, so a swot tends to annoy his less bright, less studious classmates.
(8) Sue listed his academic achievements and Boris admitted he was a colossal swot - he strongly recommended boning up.
(9) All over the country, school and university students have their heads down to swot for summer exams, and anxiety levels shoot up.
(10) Cook is the school swot whose achievements in politics have not surprised anyone who sat with him in a classroom or opposite him in any debating chamber.
(11) I hope it restores a little bit of national pride. It was also a huge surprise. I didn't have time to swot up so I just breezed in and did the best I could.
(12) She attended the local comprehensive school, where by her own admission she was a bit of a swot .
(13) You will know the answer to this so give someone else a chance you swot !
(14) Swot up on the country's driving laws before you go
(15) That speech confirms what many people feel and fear about politicians: that they were the most despised classmates at school - the swot , the precocious prat, the political trainspotter.
(16) Bill comes for the meal, but he then goes to his room to swot .
(17) This means I would no longer be returning from Paris around 1 am on Friday 21 May with at least three more days to swot up.
(18) And for some reason, academic success meant nothing in my school - there was no praise for doing well - only jeers from other pupils, or teachers who called me a swot in front of the rest of the class.
(19) He is dressed in black, wearing glasses designed to make him look like the class swot , and has a solemn expression.
(20) Unlike exams, you can't swot up for psychometric tests, but if you think you're likely to come across them in your hunt for a job try to familiarise yourself with the process.
get up
grind away
mug up
swot up
bone up