(1) Take place as an additional or unexpected development
(1) The view that mental events supervene upon physical ones
(2) Bronchitis and pneumonia may supervene , resulting in hospital admission and sometimes death.
(3) Sleep disorders, disorientation, and fatigue may supervene , followed by serious intellectual deterioration, such as the inability to speak, recognize objects, read, or write.
(4) According to this conception, we supervene upon, contain, or bear some other exotic relation to a distinguishable source of activities which then become attributable to us by a kind of logical courtesy.
(5) Even when the tort occurs first a subsequent event may supervene , removing the causative potency of the original wrong.
(6) For consider an epiphenomenalist substance dualist, who holds the completeness of physics, and that mental properties supervene on physical properties, and yet mental properties are properties of a mental substance.
(7) For instance, it has been claimed that events supervene on their participants, or that objects depend on the events in which they partake.
(8) Ulceration and gangrene may then supervene and can result in loss of the limb if not treated.
(9) If all the atoms within you and in your vicinity have absolutely determinate properties, then the indeterminate mass and shape and volume of you, your brain, and your teeth somehow supervene on the determinate microstructure.
(10) Only in rare instances do serious complications supervene .
(11) This is because it remains possible that evaluative epistemic facts supervene on naturalistic ones.
(12) But it must not be allowed to succeed, because it produces manifest injustice. The supervening event has not made the plaintiff less lame nor less disabled nor less deprived of amenities.
(13) The difference between a supervenient and an epiphenomal property here is that epiphenomena are causally ineffectual.
(14) Now I want to examine a more sophisticated manifestation of political discrimination that is supervenient on the first-order political discrimination just discussed.
(15) There is no phase of development which delimits the state of adolescence unless it be the sudden supervention of those phenomena associated with the blossoming of the sex function.
(16) James was aged 82 years and lived and farmed in Clorane with his sister Maureen until illness supervened .
(17) Thus, for instance, a tough individualist may treat groups just as certain individuals u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510acting groupishlyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb or a somewhat holistically disposed theoretician may treat them as entities supervenient on certain individuals.
(18) In each case, there was a supervening international context for the fall of the old Republic: the end of European colonialism in the case of France, and the end of the Cold War in the case of Italy.
(19) This is because atrocities are supervenient on subordinates, but not on command structures.
(20) The company would have ceased as a result of liquidation supervening to beneficially own it.