(1) If the code is followed in your workplace, you should be made aware of allegations or complaints against you by a colleague or superior .
(2) He is equal parts superior , insecure, vain, snobbish, and fearful.
(3) It happened almost ten years ago when the religious superior of my Franciscan Friary advised the priests in the community that we would no longer assist in local churches on weekends since there were so few priests in the house.
(4) And sometimes, US drama is superior to the UK equivalent.
(5) Yet DeGaulle and a small group of partisans went underground and refused to accept the superior power of the German army.
(6) Fully automating these tests is a luxury that can go a long way to getting a superior product to the consumer.
(7) It has a superior , snotty tone that reminds one of the problems some candidates have had in wooing the average American voter.
(8) It is not true that the essays are superior to the novels, but they have a sustained perfection that the novels do not match.
(9) Without question, the DTS is the superior track here as it's fuller, richer, and more expansive.
(10) It is vastly superior to the previous two films.
(11) No war lord is prone to acknowledge any limits other than those imposed on him by a superior armed force.
(12) The elegant expressions of Parisian Cubism are the superior works of art if you value subtle composition and exquisite harmonies of tone.
(13) The upper horns (or superior cornua) meet the back of the hyoid bone, while the inferior cornua are attached to the side of the cricoid, forming a pivotal joint.
(14) Liberal democracy reflects the normative orientation that people and their rights are superior to government, with governments existing to secure those rights.
(15) They were certainly physically superior to me.
(16) The writing is often superior to most one-hour dramas. the extremely snappy and witty dialogue can elevate even the most clichu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ab sit-com moments into pomo gems.
(17) The bikes offer superior acceleration and handling at the slight expense of its straight line top speed.
(18) The bank's position would be superior if it were entitled to combine the accounts.
(19) These consumers tend to buy luxury products for their superior functionality and quality.
(20) The problem is compounded by his shyness, his fear of being spotted by a colleague or superior from the shipyard, his total lack of experience, and the fact that he really doesn't like cheese.