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English to Bangla Meaning of summon - ডাকিয়া পাঠান

ডাকিয়া পাঠান



ডাকা, ডাকিয়া পাঠান, তলব করা, ডাকিয়া আনা

Definitions of summon in English


(1) Call in an official matter, such as to attend court,ask to come,gather or bring together,make ready for action or use,call to a place

(2) Call in an official matter

(3) such as to attend court

(4) Ask to come

(5) Gather or bring together

(6) Make ready for action or use

(7) Call to a place

Examples of summon in English

(1) Police say in such circumstances it would be unwise to restrain the patient on a one-to-one basis and it is better to summon help.

(2) A few people worked out what was going on, but couldn't summon up the interest to write in.

(3) Under the proposals put forward by BT, a robbery victim wouldn't even be able to use a public call box to summon help.

(4) That's a perspective Bell might not have been able to summon five years ago.

(5) Now that Riffs is on the shop racks, he cannot bring himself to summon up any more enthusiasm.

(6) She managed to summon up a smile

(7) In a split second, her crew had to summon every ounce of leadership, courage and training they had ever known to rescue shipmates and help keep their ship afloat.

(8) But smaller parties and independent candidates could not summon these resources at such short notice, and so were at a disadvantage, Scallon said.

(9) Manda proposed that the ZRFU should summon a meeting of councillors to discuss the change of tenure of office from two to four years and then hold elections for new office bearers.

(10) And they said the mobile phone they used to summon help had only one bar of battery power left when they found a signal.

(11) Quite how they could summon up the energy for their second half display will remain a mystery but summon up the energy they did.

(12) There were times in that second half though when it seemed neither team would summon up the collective nerve to win.

(13) He tried to summon help but the call buttons had still not been repaired.

(14) One of the men managed to grab onto a tree, reach safety and summon help.

(15) Unable to swim or summon help, he soon lost consciousness and floated face down just a few metres off the beach at the resort of Los Christianos in May.

(16) Volvo's latest wheeze is an optional communications package that uses telematics to summon help in an emergency.

(17) We are now all in constant touch with each other and the control room and can summon help quickly when the need arises.

(18) Practical solutions lie well within our grasp if we can summon up the political will to act.

(19) When life deals her another blow, Kiki must summon every ounce of inspiration to overcome it.

(20) Names that summon up images of far-off places

synonyms of summon

send for

serve with a summons



call to mind

conjure up

come up



Antonyms of summon


Send away

Send away

TV series example of the word

Summon Jon Snow.

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 2

Summon Jon Snow.

You begged us to summon
the King in the North.

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 3

You begged us to summon the King in the North.

I will summon
my most eloquent priests.

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 5

I will summon my most eloquent priests.

If I want you here, I will summon you.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 7

If I want you here, I will summon you.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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