(1) He will be lower profile, but the suicide bombings are expected to continue because he is an extremist.
(2) The attack was carried out by a suicide bomber who blew himself up in a parking lot close to a restaurant.
(3) What they believed they were searching for was a suicide hijacker or team of hijackers.
(4) Given the state of the town's finances, a 60 per cent rise in allowances would not only have been immoral, but also political suicide .
(5) The explosive charges carried by the suicide bombers were packed with ball bearings and pieces of metal to maximise death and injury.
(7) Of course all these men knew, as all modern presidential candidates know, that to admit to theological skepticism is political suicide .
(8) In Wilson College, Mumbai, an assistant librarian committed suicide because the college authorities had allegedly harassed her.
(9) Unfortunately, we haven't yet reached the point where that kind of bigotry is political suicide in this country.
(10) A would-be suicide was talked out of hanging himself from a public bridge - only to be promptly charged with assault.
(11) The foundation said that this year several potato growers of Uttar Pradesh and other parts of the country committed suicide because of over-production and no buyers.
(12) It would be political suicide to restrict criteria for unemployment benefit
(13) The depressive comic committed suicide in 1968, at the age of 44, but left behind a wealth of material that has continued to win fans with sketches such as The Blood Donor.
(14) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The result of the investigation so far indicates that the bombings were carried out by suicide bombers,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(15) Since then she has had a string of roles in Hindi cinema, the most notable being her portrayal of a suicide bomber in The Terrorist.
(16) For any processor, being associated with an outbreak of foodborne illness is not only ethically damaging, but financial suicide .
(17) It would be political suicide to restrict criteria for unemployment benefits
(18) The Task Force members unanimously concluded that legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia would pose profound risks to many patients.
(19) It would be political suicide for your government.
(20) The State Crime Records Bureau reports that 106 children below the age of 15 committed suicide in Kerala in the year 2000.