(1) Parallel to the development of the domestic stripe is the evolution of another category - the aristocratic stripe .
(2) The left side consists of a black triangle with a horizontal yellow stripe flanked by two bright blue stripes.
(3) The second and much rarer stripe of drinker is your peer, the fully functional alcoholic.
(4) Be sure to calculate stripe width based on your room measurements.
(5) He was wearing a beige sweater with a stripe across the chest.
(6) True believers of every stripe describe their vision of what taxpayer money, talent, and hope can do.
(7) One mirror has a thick vertical fluorescent orange stripe of paint running up its center, the other a horizontal.
(8) Alfalfa weevils are small green worms with a light stripe down the back.
(9) The chain was fastened to the back of her collar, giving her a gleaming silver stripe down her back.
(10) The car had a red stripe down both sides.
(11) He had earned the first black stripe on his Brown Belt.
(12) He wore a navy blue, three-piece pin stripe suit and a blood red tie.
(13) Each bore a pair of stripes on his sleeve, color depending on what legion of mages he supervised.
(14) The morning sun bled through the blinds striping her room in a warm glow.
(15) I'd rather have the old fatigue uniform than wear the proposed tiger stripes .
(16) Mark stood in blue uniform with gold stripes on his collar and black weapons handing from his belt.
(17) There is a ceremony for bestowing the temporary stripes on students before the six-week period of general military training.
(18) It's easy to imagine them as the pin striping grease monkeys they've often portrayed in their type promotions.
(19) A short-sleeved turquoise T-shirt with horizontal white stripes was found near her body.
(20) He was black with searing neon green stripes down his back.