(1) Kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
(2) Constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air
(3) Become constricted
(1) This absorbs the human resources of the police and reduces their ability to strangulate the supply route.
(2) If a child was doing it, it could encircle and strangulate part of the body and that would interfere with the blood supply.
(3) As the project is executed with aid from the World Bank, there may be several strings attached that may eventually strangulate the unsuspecting customers whose immediate need is water.
(4) These can get caught on objects and strangulate the child.
(5) In the 1990s and beyond, institutions of higher education in Africa, especially the universities, must contend with several interrelated major problems, whose combined effect threatens to strangulate them
(6) He has beaten up his mother and children and even tried to strangulate one child.
(7) The Government has decided to legislate, regulate and, as usual, strangulate .
(8) Acutely strangulated haemorrhoids occur as a result of thrombus formation resulting in gross swelling, irreducible prolapse, and severe pain.
(9) Using strangulated syntax instead of plain English means that the real meaning can be concealed from all save the magic circle of fellow-professionals who are in on the act.
(10) The gruff, strangulated tones seemed to reflect the woman's petulant desires and suffocated potential, making her initially quite grotesque but ultimately deeply sympathetic.
(11) The music is volatile: its percussion tribal and its lead like a snake charmer's flute, strangulated forever.
(12) A strangulated hernia
(13) Though he can do all the pro forma stuff in bigger settings, his performances can be stiff and strangulated .
(14) Indian fashion is at a different stage of development and just arbitrarily dumping foreign trends into clothes stores strangulates Indian tastes and style.
(15) A strangulated cry
(16) Kristin doesn't so much sing as offer strangulated , childlike whispers that are often double-tracked.
(17) He said the defendant decided to do away with her cousin when she could not repay the loan, and had her strangulated , by two close aides.
(18) His best feathered friend is an adopted Canada goose named Gilligan that he saved from strangulating in a fishing net, an ongoing love affair that will soon become a children's book.
(19) The poor woman died strangulated
(20) The minorities, especially the ten million Christians, are physically, socially and spiritually strangulated and trapped under the Blasphemy Law in Pakistan.