সারস, ক্রৌঁচ
(1) Large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-and-black plumage
(1) The finishing touch was a sculpture of a 7ft high stork , complete with baby, made by metal artist Peter Robinson.
(2) These forests are home to rare animals like the black stork , vultures and the Spanish Imperial eagle who depend on the rich diversity of these cork oak forests.
(3) The black stork , black vulture, and endangered Spanish imperial eagle, of which only 130 pairs remain worldwide, are among the 42 species of birds that depend on the cork woodlands.
(4) As in the west the stork is associated with bringing babies.
(5) Congratulations to Michael & Mary, who had a visit from the stork during the week with the arrival of their new baby son Declan.
(6) A little girl, about the age of Peter, is going on about how a stork brought her mommy's baby.
(7) I wondered if the stork had dropped the baby off at the wrong house.
(8) The stork has paid a visit to Crossard and delivered a baby boy to Kieran and Eileen.
(9) Shannon's mommy told her that babies are delivered by the stork and don't you try and tell her any different.
(10) There is a reason for these statistics and it's not that the stork is going mad and dropping babies off in the wrong places, it is that teenagers are having unprotected sex.
(11) It assumes we haven't evolved from those kindergarten days when we believed in the tooth fairy and in the stork as the source of babies.
(12) That's the Chinese equivalent of the old American tale that babies are dropped off by a stork at expectant parents' homes.
(13) Children throughout Europe and America are taught that the stork delivers newborns to their mothers and according to some traditions the stork can cause a woman to become pregnant merely by looking at her.
(14) It is such as they, in most cases, who still believe the story of the stork which brings babies because of the consequences of a kiss.
(15) Forest wagtails, fly catchers, black crested buzzard, open billed storks and egrets are some of the migratory birds one can sight at the Guindy National Park during winter.
(16) In the next decade, Igor would find a hundred black stork nests and observe as many as 24 breeding pairs a year - more than the number of black storks in all of France.
(17) Roughly 10 per cent of the country's rare black storks will be made homeless.
(18) Although kingfishers, bee eaters, storks , dragonflies, mosquitoes and ants are all part of his photographic repertoire, the wary hoopoe has been dodging his lens for years.
(19) Today, Igor still traipses through swamps - with me in tow - searching for black storks in the reserve, where we both volunteer part-time.
(20) While he never delivered a baby, as storks supposedly do, he was just as dependable, never missing a game in 15 seasons.