(1) The route had been stony , uneven ground for most of the way and despite our cardiovascular fitness being fine, the cumulative effect of running over a jagged surface was taking its toll.
(2) Adam nodded his acquiescence and stood to begin clearing the table in stony silence.
(3) I hefted my pick over my shoulder and brought it down hard on the stony wall.
(4) It has full-size trees, sand banks leading down to a stony beach, and water cascading down a rock outcrop.
(5) An uncomfortable silence followed, filled with stony glares shared between me and Natasha.
(6) Jessica's stony expression softens and she stares at the ground for a moment.
(7) Descend back to the bottom of the stony path and head right, along the depression and start the descent to a large basin.
(8) The surface varies from a stony path to a rutted lane to a broad carpet of grass, all of it passable on a touring bike with the exception of 100 yards or so towards the end.
(9) The doctor expected a shrug, stony silence or some sort of sarcastic hiss.
(10) We walked when we could - the ground was rough and stony , with scrub growing in any available crevice.
(11) We set out on foot from the car park, the falls being a good 10-minute walk away, on a stony path that goes up and down.
(12) Rose's face turns hard and stony at the mention of Joelle.
(13) Despite the best efforts of the excavators, the area was still very stony and most of the paths were pretty bumpy.
(14) I smile while ordering, but her face stays stony , reminding me of a rock.
(15) Jared looks over at me, and raises his eyebrows at my stony glare.
(16) He frowned, and started to retrace his steps up a stony path leading away.
(17) If the impact object was a stony carbonaceous chondrite there would be silicates all over the impact site.
(18) The machine can operate in rough and stony ground inaccessible to conventional cutters.
(19) Once past the houses, the enclosing walls open up and there are wonderful views along Troutbeck Park from the rough, stony track.
(20) Conan followed them up the stony steps, back up to the light, the heat, and the noise.