(1) A merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies
(1) Encore is the grand dame of wedding invitations so entrust your wedding invitations with a reputable stationer with over ten years in the wedding stationery business.
(2) As he tramped the cobbled streets of early nineteenth-century London, clad in his elder brother's shabby overcoat, he decided to get work as a stationer and bookbinder.
(3) A stationer can print more than just wedding invitations.
(4) When he was interviewed by GQ magazine, he heaped praise on the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510many extremely fine productsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb made by Smythson, an upmarket stationer and leather goods company with a shop in Bond Street, London.
(5) Roger and I went to Gibert Jeune the stationer , near Place Saint-Michel, where we bought blue-cover student notebooks lined with graph paper.
(6) Cards can either be bought from a stationer or made out of ordinary file paper
(7) Second, the statute attempted to break the monopoly of the stationers by limiting the term of copyright - a radical change for the stationers , who until then had enjoyed perpetual copyright.
(8) Three days early, even after having had the ring-binding prised open by the lovely people at Ryman's stationers to change the bibliography for somethingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac more consistent.
(9) Garvey writes about some of the albums available from stationers and elsewhere, in which users could essentially u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510fileu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb their clippings and other material.
(10) Wedding invitations can be obtained by mail order, shopping online for printers stationers is easy and stress free.
(11) Fortunately, it is still possible to visit a stationers and purchase a foot ruler subdivided into inches, whilst a builder's merchants will happily supply a yard-rule, marked up in feet and inches.
(12) Finally, the Act of 1534 repealed the Act of 1484, and further stated that aliens could only sell wholesale wares to English-born printers or stationers , and that no bound books were to be imported at all.
(13) Another good idea is to get some labels, either buy some from a charity or just plain white ones from the stationers would do, and recycle those prepaid envelopes which come with your junk mail.
(14) They retail from about u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255130 from most stationers and are also available over the web.
(15) We will provide stationers with a catalogue of the entire range and customers can place orders and get them delivered fast.
(16) Receivers moved in on Monday to wind up the debt-hit booksellers and stationers , and the company was placed into liquidation.
(17) You can draw up your own will - you can even download forms from the internet, or buy a form from a stationers .
(18) They don't call them booksellers, they call them stationers .
(19) It was that having agreed that a calendar would be useful the means of getting one that felt natural to her was not to pop into a stationers and pay a quid but to shift the onus onto her social worker.
(20) You bought meat at the butchers, stationery at the stationers .