(1) And, even though he had a job, her son was sometimes forced to eat baked beans on stale bread because he could not afford to buy a fresh loaf.
(2) Originally, Kye was way more hotter in my mind, but when I wrote him, he turned into a worry-wart with a stale personality.
(3) You can enjoy this formula for a while - it does not really matter which bands you first became interested in, any will do - but it becomes stale .
(4) The second defendants have had to deal with stale claims and have been handicapped by the absence of potentially relevant documents after the warehouse fire.
(5) Firm flesh is a good indicator - flesh that appears to be separating into flakes is beginning to stale .
(6) Never add food to a dish that has old food in it; throw the stale food out, wash the dish and replenish it with fresh food.
(7) Circus acts have grown so mundane, stale and outdated that animal acts are now the only way of attracting the publics' attention.
(8) Director, Eisner, deserves credit, too, for delivering a film that seems fresh and exciting, rather than stale and formulaic.
(9) The Nolans live on all the different foods that Katie makes from stale bread.
(10) As Evelyn Waugh says on the back of all the Penguin editions, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Mr Wodehouse's idyllic world can never stale .u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(11) Crusts of stale bread which would otherwise have been thrown out were left on the bridges, to be seized quickly by the diving birds.
(12) Large pots, merciless heat and a few decrepit plastic chairs and buckets fill her small tent, while bits of stale food cover the floor.
(13) Shopping centres, cinemas, high streets, motorways, schools - it seems that no matter where you go, greasy food and stale buns are increasingly on the menu.
(14) Also, barley breads stale quickly, because they lack the water-retaining powers of the gluten network in wheat or the natural gums in rye.
(15) He quotes five passages of bad English, in all of which he finds two common qualities: stale imagery and lack of precision.
(16) Simply, Le Guen believes every coach has a shelf-life of three or four years at any one club before he grows stale and people turn against him.
(17) We finally make it to the park, loaves of stale bread spilling out of the plastic bags ready to nourish the ducks.
(18) I want you to individually hand-dunk each cube of stale bread into the garlic-infused olive oil.
(19) Breakfast is always the same: instant oatmeal, coffee, and stale biscuits.
(20) This then simmers for half an hour before being baked for an hour in a pan layered with very stale bread, Gruyere cheese, and the onion soup mixture.