TV series example of the word
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 11
...and I am producing sputum at an alarming rate.
থুতু, নিষ্ঠীবন
(1) Expectorated matter; saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages; in ancient and medieval physiology it was believed to cause sluggishness
(2) Expectorated matter
(3) Saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages
(4) In ancient and medieval physiology it was believed to cause sluggishness [also: sputa (pl)]
(1) Four days prior to admission, she developed a cough productive of whitish sputum .
(2) Blood-streaked sputum deserves the same diagnostic consideration as blood alone.
(3) He noted that his chronic, dry cough had produced discolored sputum in recent days.
(4) Analysis of sputum can indicate what disease process may be present in the lungs.
(5) Children may contract enterovirus by direct contact with saliva, sputum or nasal mucus from infected persons.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 11
...and I am producing sputum at an alarming rate.