জল ছিটাইয়া দেত্তয়া, কাদা ছিটাইয়া দেত্তয়া
(1) Make a splashing sound,walk through mud or mire,cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force,dash a liquid upon or against
(2) Make a splashing sound
(3) Walk through mud or mire
(4) Cause (a liquid) to spatter about
(5) especially with force
(6) Dash a liquid upon or against
(1) I just barely managed to throw my mother the phone when the previously eaten food made its bid for freedom and escaped in a loud gushing, splosh .
(2) And if I ever fall off a cliff it will be a cry of u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb before the inevitable splosh or splat.
(3) Undeterred by the stubborn green tomatoes, Samuel has chopped them into chunks and fried them in oil, garlic and chillies with a splosh of sweet Spanish vinegar.
(4) Soon we'll be mooring up in a secluded creek where we'll drink champagne to the soothing sounds of water clucking against boat and the occasional splosh of a jumping fish.
(5) A tear slowly fell from my face and landed splosh onto the picture.
(6) Intentions need a bit of splosh to back them up
(7) A quiet splosh
(8) And then you surface with a splosh and for a few brief seconds, everything's still blurry as you blink the water from your eyes.
(9) Okay, so I survive on instant with a splosh of semi-skimmed and a chemical sweetener, but I'm sure I would appreciate the finer qualities of real coffee if only someone would come round to my house every hour on the hour and make me a cup.
(10) One minute you are on a pleasant nature ramble, and the next - splosh !
(11) Another tear dropped into the water with a splosh .
(12) Vice slipped his hood on and stared down at his feet sploshing in muddy puddles.
(13) And, next I knew, he was donning his outdoor boots and slipping out of the door to carry out a wild summer night dance, sploshing along a crunchy path of snails and over a slimy carpet of slugs.
(14) For the best chance of sport pick a balmy night and fish long into the early hours when the biggest fish can be heard sploshing in the darkness.
(15) Add the stock and two or three sploshes of Worcester Sauce, mixing all the while, bring to a gentle boil, and cook until the sauce begins to reduce.
(16) She stomped out into the mud, splishing and sploshing .
(17) A blue worm threading its way through sploshes of paint leaves me cold.