খিট্খিটে, বিমর্ষ
(1) Of or relating to the spleen
(2) Very irritable
(1) His lyrics are honest, unsparing, splenetic yet gruffly humorous.
(2) And so the splenetic young rebel became a middle-aged man with studious specs and a shock of silver hair.
(3) It's almost enough to warrant a splenetic , Burchill-esque diatribe against contemporary gay social mores - full of sweeping generalisations and gleeful scatter-shot vitriol.
(4) Its splenetic and arrogant final edition on Thursday also appeared as childish anger from staff.
(5) So if there are any splenetic motorists or bilious cyclists out there thinking of penning an angry letter to the Evening Press, listen up.
(6) Given his mental-health problems, the loss of his girlfriend and his battle with alcoholism, it would seem he has had more than his fill of heartache; consequently The Kiss of Morning is a splenetic , purgative record.
(7) We are further told that Finkelstein's book u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510reads like a rant, with splenetic attacks on individuals, many of them survivors, and vast generalisations about the whole of world Jewry.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(8) He is at his splenetic best when rubbishing Auden's poetry, a subject he joyously returns to again and again.
(9) Vander, a pompous, splenetic academic, is an elderly Belgian u00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00abmigru00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ab to a California town bearing the Nabokovian name of Arcady.
(10) It's a classic of the splenetic blogging genre.
(11) Will the splenetic attack ads be replaced by straightforward pipebombing campaigns?
(12) Manu's Spleen 3 offers a double manifestation of spleen: the hysteria of a splenetic biological condition and the hysteria of laughter.
(13) It's bracing to hear Hodgson in full splenetic flow.
(14) Rarely have I read a more bitter, laudably splenetic piece of invective.
(15) You couldn't mention one to the other without splenetic vitriol pouring out.
(16) That means his memorable classic blogbile rant against Qantas is again available for readers who prize splenetic blogging.
(17) You'll be splenetic and over-heated and I'll be jocular and whimsical.
(18) It's anyone's guess, then, why he leaves his instruments dormant for much of this show in favour of splenetic rants and ruthless aggression towards his increasingly miserable audience.
(19) Yet Tyerman's frustration can sometimes lead to splenetic rants.
(20) It's therefore tempting to conclude that Harley must have used up of all his remaining creativity and originality on this one magnificently splenetic piece of pop genius.