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English to Bangla Meaning of spike - গজাল

তীক্ষ্ণ অগ্রভাগ



গজাল, শস্যমঁজরী, বড় পেরেক, সূচ্যগ্র বস্তু


অকেজো করা

Definitions of spike in English


(1) A transient variation in voltage or current,sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes,fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn,(botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis,a sharp rise followed by a sharp decline,a sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall,a long sharp-pointed implement (wood or metal),any holding device consisting of a long sharp-pointed object,a long metal nail

(2) A transient variation in voltage or current

(3) Sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes

(4) Fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn

(5) (botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis

(6) A sharp rise followed by a sharp decline

(7) A sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall

(8) A long sharp-pointed implement (wood or metal)

(9) Any holding device consisting of a long sharp-pointed object

(10) A long metal nail


(1) Stand in the way of,pierce with a sharp stake or point,secure with spikes,bring forth a spike or spikes,add alcohol beverages,manifest a sharp increase,pierce

(2) Stand in the way of

(3) Pierce with a sharp stake or point

(4) Secure with spikes

(5) Bring forth a spike or spikes

(6) Add alcohol beverages

(7) Manifest a sharp increase

(8) Pierce

Examples of spike in English

(1) Oil prices would spike and fall again

(2) Sometimes, a mere shut down of power or an electrical surge that emits a strong voltage spike can even destroy highly sophisticated RAID storage systems.

(3) A trainee doctor was admitted to the hospital where he works after impaling his leg on a metal spike .

(4) Most people think about energy only when gas prices spike or when heating oil is in short supply.

(5) Make a note of such spots and on a dry day go out with a garden fork and spike the areas by pushing into the lawn to a depth of about 15 cm and rocking gently back and forth before pulling out the fork.

(6) The chokepoint is patrolled 24 hours a day by armed guards, resulting in lower local crime but a sharp spike in vehicle traffic.

(7) There's no way to pick and choose which gets cut off when demand surges, prices spike , and supply gets tight.

(8) Not only can a low-quality power supply cause instability, it can cause damage to components over time, namely hard drives, which can be killed by a severe voltage spike .

(9) Childhood obesity has tripled over the past 20 years, a significant spike in a relatively short time, he says.

(10) Gradually, the glowing red material is hammered into an elegant spike .

(11) If, like mine, your lawn has soggy, poorly draining patches, spike it with a garden fork at six inch intervals.

(12) Following the spike , the energy level rapidly decreases and reaches a low point barely 2 hours after eating.

(13) Experts say, while it's unusual for prices to spike this early in the year, fuel refineries processing less oil is creating more problems.

(14) We are currently getting an enormous boost from increased military spending, tax cuts and a temporary spike in mortgage activity for new homes and refinancing.

(15) Amid reports that the Department of Justice may spike the proposed merger, it is set to name two veterans to head its marketing forces.

(16) First, all sales and excise taxes feed directly into official consumer price indexes, so such increases create a sharp inflation spike .

(17) And just this week, it was announced that supplies are dwindling and prices are expected to spike as weather warms.

(18) The price might initially spike up, but analysts predict it won't last long.

(19) And fears that gasoline prices would spike nationally proved unfounded.

(20) I think you're seeing something akin to what we saw in the 1970s when we had a similar kind of sharp spike in oil prices.

synonyms of spike





spike heel




TV series example of the word

They will be glad to see his head on a spike.

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 9

They will be glad to see his head on a spike.

Lysa's head would be on a spike right now
if the wrong people had found that letter.

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 1

Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found that letter.

I could have that head on a spike by now.

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 3

I could have that head on a spike by now.

He was first through the breach
during the Siege of Spike,

Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 7

He was first through the breach during the Siege of Spike,

I shall mount Roose Bolton's head on a spike.

Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 1

I shall mount Roose Bolton's head on a spike.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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