TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 22
You don't see too many spherical cakes.
বর্তুল, বর্তুলাকার, মণ্ডলাকার, গোলকসংক্রান্ত, গোলকাকার, গোলাকার, গোলকায়, গোলীয়, গোল
(1) Of or relating to spheres or resembling a sphere,having the shape of a sphere or ball,like a sphere
(2) Of or relating to spheres or resembling a sphere
(3) Having the shape of a sphere or ball
(4) Like a sphere
(1) A tiny somewhat spherical shaped object appeared off in the distance, moving quickly and effortlessly to the side of the craft.
(2) An oblong Earth that swells out at the equator would turn more slowly than a spherical Earth - astronomers use the analogy of a figure skater who turns faster as he draws in his arms.
(3) All five were hollow, spherical objects (balls).
(4) The huge, perfectly spherical structure sat like a giant black pearl in the middle of the city.
(5) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Now that's what they normally look like,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she explains, pointing to clusters of cells - spherical structures, hollow on the inside.
(6) It is a mathematical truism that a spherical surface cannot be developed into a plane.
(7) They had the typical appearance of spherical or elliptical aggregates of altered erythrocytes surrounded by an envelope.
(8) The pills are perfectly spherical , opaque, and shiny, like tiny pearls.
(9) The small incision induces minimal postoperative astigmatism (change in the spherical curvature of the cornea).
(10) They then wrote software to design circuits on spherical surfaces without distorting the physics of electrons that whiz through wires thinner than a human hair.
(11) For example, he held that fire rises in order to reach its natural place, a spherical shell just inside the orbit of the moon.
(12) A fish heart is almost spherical just as a whale's (a mammal) is.
(13) She could see the round, spherical canvasses stretched across the metal, almost grotesquely.
(14) The design of contact lenses can be divided into spherical , toric and multifocal.
(15) Most of the major varieties are illustrated as well as some of their companions - the infamous bubble dome stereos, spherical speakers and round, hanging televisions.
(16) Trees with this form have several to many lateral branches that compete with the central stem for dominance resulting in a spherical or globose crown.
(17) Kepler showed that the distances of the planets can be correlated with the radii of spherical shells, which are inscribed within, and circumscribed around, a nest of the five regular solids.
(18) The container looked much like a scientific chemical bottle, with a rounded, spherical bottom and an elongated neck.
(19) This exotic matter forms a thin spherical shell and has negative mass and positive surface pressure.
(20) Axonometric distortion creates the illusion that these rows occur upon spherical surfaces: they appear to overlay a field of bulging convexities and receding concavities.
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 22
You don't see too many spherical cakes.