(1) She's got a kind of sparkle
(2) She was tiny, pretty, and vivacious, her sparkle compensating for a lack of education.
(3) After a glass of wine, she began to sparkle
(4) His cricket and his personality were marked by charm and sparkle .
(5) There was a sparkle in his eyes
(6) The entire performance was imbued with sparkle and u00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ablan.
(7) The publishing industry needs awards to bring sparkle and a sense of celebrity into writing.
(8) The new Guardian is a sparklingly modern product and is firmly of today - this is what we want.
(9) Her bright blue eyes sparkled when she was particularly happy or angry, which was quite often.
(10) Every illiterate good-ole-boy speaks in sparklingly correct prose, with the occasional Southern idiom thrown into the mix.
(11) She laughs again, her ocean-colored eyes sparkling in the dim light.
(12) Around her neck was a pearl necklace sparkling under the bright light.
(13) Her golden hair glistened in the sun, her light blue eyes sparkling brightly.
(14) My mother's black hair shone in the dim light and her eyes sparkling with delight.
(15) Jem raises an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement sparkling in his tired blue eyes.
(16) A young person in silhouette sits in the corner, gazing up at the city lights sparkling like constellations.
(17) The owner Juan Blanco then pulls out all the stops, with simply cooked but sparklingly fresh fish that would put a much fancier restaurant to shame.
(18) A silver hoop earring dangled from each ear and a very sparkly pink necklace dangled around her neck.
(19) In her hand was a necklace, its red gem sparkling in the candle light.
(20) He looked like a four-year-old on Christmas Eve by the way his blue eyes sparkled and danced.