TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 8
Yes, I was bad. Maybe she'll spank me. Can we please move on?
পাছায় বড় মারা
(1) A slap with the flat of the hand
(1) Give a spanking to; subject to a spanking
(2) Give a spanking to
(3) Subject to a spanking
(4) Slap
(5) Usually on bottom
(1) Both the mothers frequently use abusive language and spank their children.
(2) When his father caught him he got a spank
(3) The parents can't spank these thugs because they would be in jail.
(4) I'm gonna spank you one at a time until you've learned your lesson.
(5) I think Dad's going to try to spank her with his belt again, but she didn't do anything to deserve it, really.
(6) The last spank made her yelp like a mouse that was caught by an angry cat.
(7) He used to spank them with the belt, but we both did that, because it was acceptable.
(8) He brought me home with the belt, spanking me when I went.
(9) I know that I wouldn't be comfortable spending a lot of time with someone who spanks their children or is frequently angry with them.
(10) Children were not spanked , but they might be punished by splashing water in their faces.
(11) He said that, yes, he had spanked Elian a time or two.
(12) Mr. Bear returns, discovers the naughtiness and punishes Edith by spanking her.
(13) While Katherine was spanked on occasion, the punishment that she feared most was psychological - making Katherine feel guilty or worthless for her mistakes.
(14) Gosh, maybe once or twice I remember maybe he spanked me.
(15) Uncle Jack spanks her, but in her mind he has been unfair.
(16) He put me over his knees and spanked me for gosh sakes!
tan someone's hide
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 8
Yes, I was bad. Maybe she'll spank me. Can we please move on?