(1) Therefore, a miraculous act proves nothing, for it can be done through enchantment and sorcery .
(2) These elaborate carved objects commemorate the deaths of those killed in battle or by sorcery .
(3) The conspirators were tried for sorcery and condemned to death.
(4) They had many powers, but their strongest mastery was in sorcery .
(5) The time of swords and sorcery has been the setting for many a motion picture.
(6) All magic systems have warnings about what happens when sorcery is used against others.
(7) I don't know whether you believe in witchcraft, sorcery , black magic, and all that kind of thing.
(8) He did on one occasion but this was actually the product of sorcery and not some innate ability.
(9) For younger children it is a trainee wizard, Harry Potter, who is exciting their enthusiasm for spells and sorcery .
(10) Many of them practice witchcraft and sorcery as an integral part of the Muslim religious system.
(11) The new villages were built over the sea some two hundred metres from shore as a guard against warfare and sorcery .
(12) It strikes me that a lot of people don't seem to even think about sorcery in these terms, or relate their practice directly to the world around them.
(13) Cathena protests that there must be some reason that the Prophets condemn sorcery .
(14) Another legacy of the nobility to filter down to the streets is a fondness for witchcraft and sorcery .
(15) In the film that crashed to shore this summer, none of this soft-headed nonsense about fate and sorcery is permitted.
(16) Big men often purport to be powerful spirit mediums and to possess both healing powers and deadly war sorcery .
(17) A practising witch, she wound up under guard after she plotted to kill her stepson Henry V by sorcery .
(18) His treatment of demonism is written as an antidote to the outbreak of sorcery .
(19) At Bangui police station, a number of detectives specialize in rooting out sorcery .
(20) I don't think that she will use sorcery often because it would make her easier to track.