ঘুমপাড়ানি, নিদ্রাকর্ষক, প্রস্বাপন, নিদ্রা-উদ্রেককর
নিদ্রা-উদ্রেককর ঔষধ
(1) Sleep inducing,inducing mental lethargy,sleepy; sleep
(2) Sleep inducing
(3) Inducing mental lethargy
(4) Sleepy; sleep
(1) A drug that induces sleep
(1) As regards the insomnia I've had lately, I can heartily recommend Somnus, a soporific combination of Lettuce extract and Valerian.
(2) Prayer was always something of a soporific for her; she prayed at night in bed but was usually asleep long before she said u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Amen.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(3) In our sleepy little town where things moved with the soporific gait of undersea vegetation, high fashion made its startling appearance all of a sudden!
(4) Inactivity is soporific while exercise revives a sleepy brain.
(5) The options menu spared me the torment of the looped piano soporific that they have passed off as background music.
(6) Black Nielson overshadowed them, with drowsy, soporific vocals, and unexpected twists and turns within each song.
(7) Or that certain rock records (hello, late seventies?) aren't among the most soporific music ever devised.
(8) In February, a radio reading of Ulysses began with 20 45-minute, perplexing, soporific episodes running through to June.
(9) I become overwhelmed by waves of u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510couldn't care less-nessu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb every time I hear their soporific goo.
(10) My nerves, still shredded from the bruising motorway journey North, gradually soothed as I lay back in the warm, soporific waters of the outdoor whirlpool, staring at the inky black night sky.
(11) But when she read and when she lectured, it sounded like some soporific narration from the Discovery Channel.
(12) It was used not just for their edification, but also - at least until not too long ago - as a soporific .
(13) Those intrusions of the world outside awaken me from my soporific slumber, as I dwell in drowsy numbness, as though of hemlock I have drunk.
(14) I certainly wouldn't read books if they were boring, irrelevant and soporific - which is how most high school kids regard the classics of world literature.
(15) Perelman's slow, reverent approach to the material borders on the soporific at times and perhaps a more experienced director might have been able to find the light and shade in the story.
(16) The soporific sound of creaking pine is usually enjoyed naked, with a chilled bottle of beer in one hand and, for authenticity, a leafy birch whisk in the other.
(17) Police Beat has a dreamlike quality; the strange crimes, quiet voice-over and soporific music meld together into a fascinating - and often comic experience.
(18) Apart from these obvious attractions, I have always found it difficult to understand the appeal of this leisurely, some might say, soporific sport.
(19) And, while coffee prompted psychosis and sleeplessness, cocktails were soporific .
(20) Its concrete surface is the most soporific in the UK, and has been blamed for lulling drivers to sleep.
sleeping pill