(1) The end result is a rich, triumphant sonic tapestry; you can hear every dollar that went into it.
(2) The work is more abstract and introvert than on Later, with melodies often scarce and distant, while the sonic scope seems narrower.
(3) The sonic assault of rock music has reached a point of diminishing returns.
(4) Dialogue is clearly heard and there are no distracting pops, hisses, or other such sonic flaws.
(5) His delicate constructions are all entirely self-contained, giving an impression of great sonic diversity.
(6) A sonic whistle is very old technology, to the point of almost being forgotten.
(7) The welcome presence of sonic genius Jim O'Rourke joined them on stage.
(8) The band's sonic fingerprint remains as distinctive as ever.
(9) This maybe the sonic equivalent of going to see a Bellini altarpiece in an art gallery, but I do not mind.
(10) Sounds from distant explosions are delayed accurately to reflect limited sonic speed.
(11) The Dolby Surround track, though clean, is the sonic equivalent of watching grass grow.
(12) Quietude is a similarly becalmed sonic vista of placid sine-waves, nervous clicks and lithe atmospheric details.
(13) Hence, the sonic crack of the bullet is much louder than any noise produced by the weapon's operation.
(14) It's not purely sonic pleasure: it's conflict and action and story.
(15) Hot Hot Heat may very much be a product of their influences but never before has it all been thrown together into such a vibrant sonic stew.
(16) Artists of all genres revere the Ryman for both historic and sonic reasons.
(17) As a familiar sonic picture, it doesn't mess with your head.
(18) So songs swagger all over the sonic map from overly loud to whisper quiet.
(19) A number of sonic themes emerge as the music on this CD unfolds.
(20) Unfazed, members of the band have, it seems, decided to evolve into sonic pioneers instead.