(1) Let them hear from you with your ideas on how social and community problems can be tackled.
(2) Various models have been presented to account for division of labor in social insects.
(3) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Women are not marrying for social status or financial security any more,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(4) Money, social status, talent, opportunity and chance all define the contours of our inequality.
(5) No job was ever too big for Alvina to tackle, and at the end of a long day she still had energy for the social activities she so greatly enjoyed.
(6) A portion of the money raised will be donated to various civil rights and social organizations.
(7) Class was defined as the individual's social status based partly on economic factors.
(8) What are the social effects of computers?
(9) He was also the founder of a number of educational and social organizations.
(11) It seems that our perceptions of beauty are determined largely by our perceptions of social status.
(12) His diaries indicated he is aware of the social crises in his community and does something about them.
(13) Chimps are social animals and live in groups of up to 80 where food is plentiful.
(14) My social status among my friends rocketed as I was the only one with my own television.
(15) You should feel proud of yourself for not being shallow and liking someone for social status or looks.
(16) In other words, weblogs create particular spaces and times in which social activity may, and does, occur.
(17) The group arranges social facilities and community support for lonely, mentally and emotionally unwell people.
(18) We are at the beginning of a Golden Age of social software, software designed to support the interactions of groups of people.
(19) Rabbits are intelligent social animals who need affection.
(20) Science as a social endeavor is seen as a collective project for the improvement of social structures.