(1) She inserts a piece of metal in to the card slot of the ATM machine, then when the card gets stuck she advises the user to re-enter their pin number while taking note of it herself.
(2) Once you park, get to the machine nearest to your car, insert a five rupee coin at the slot provided and type your car registration number.
(3) He slid a coin into the slot of the jukebox
(4) Beck watched as Clark reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, thin plastic card, which he inserted into a slot underneath the key.
(5) It's easy to find a bit that fits the screw slot properly.
(6) It is listened to by more than 15,000 people every week and the Somali slot will be broadcast from 7.40 to 7.55 pm.
(7) It has to be inserted into a slot inside your PC in order to work.
(8) But it's just a format, the way a magazine or a slot of television time is a format.
(9) They noticed the cashpoint slot was narrow, and when the card was retained they remained by the machine for further instructions - but nothing happened.
(10) It generally requires slotting the card into the AGP port and securing it to the slot via a screw.
(11) The special edition programme will be broadcast in the regular time slot on BBC ONE in summer 2005.
(12) The woman is trying to slip quarters into the machine slot with one hand while struggling to hold on to the feisty girl with her other hand.
(13) The new series will be filmed in London and is due to go out in a lunchtime slot on BBC ONE.
(14) I looked more closely, and realized that the deep, circular groove in the metal plate that surrounded the slot was more than decorative engraving.
(15) Quickly, she sealed it and without looking dropped it into the slot marked u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510out of town mail.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(16) He found a quarter with his index finger, picked it up and pushed it into the coin slot on the face of the machine.
(17) I can slot you in at 3.15, if that works for you
(18) Well you pay for the ticket by inserting coins into a coin slot , and of course, notably the ticket machine does not take notes.
(19) An undercutter cuts a horizontal slot , or kerf, along the floor of the advancing room to provide a relief for blasting.
(20) Of course, the screw slot is pretty fine, so without a properly fitting screwdriver, there is a real risk of marring things.